Tuesday, 5 September 2017


We left Switzerland :( in the morning and headed towards Italy. Was actually pretty cool, we had breakfast in Switzerland, lunch in Italy and dinner in France (Oooo look at me, so fancy).

Bye Switzerland :(

Was pretty much just another bus day, we arrived in Nice around 5pm and went for a walk down the promenade (freaking people everywhere).

Pictures of our feet in Nice, which of course was the style at the time

We went out for dinner with the whole group, ended up having a good chat with 2 couples from Australia who are leaving at Rome to travel through Malta, the group as a whole is great and everyone is really friendly.

Nice is nice

After dinner Amber and a few others went back to the hotel and I went out with the rest of the group for a drink (just 1 this time, I learnt my lesson from the other night...).

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