Tuesday, 12 September 2017

When I saw you in Verona

Holy moly we finally have decent internets where I can actually do some blogging. Was time to saw goodbye to Rome, and also goodbye to some of our tripmates, many of which were going to other places in Europe. We got up, had the breakfasts and then hopped on the coach and headed to Verona. There was more Roman ruins and we also went to the Balcony that Shakespear used as he envisioned Romulo and Julianne (reference).

Pretty sweet statue with no context 

Shakespear's balcony, yep...

After more gelato in Verona we headed into Venice. It was a pretty lazy night to be honest, not too much went on and after a group dinner we headed to bed.

We are so gangsta, we are about to drop a phat beat

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