Sunday, 3 September 2017

You dont wear helmets in Paris

The WIFI at the hotel in Paris sucked so I am uploading this one and the next from Switzerland.

2nd day of Paris and the first real day of the trip so far. We got up pretty early, had some breakfast and made our way out into central Paris. First stop was the Lourve, I've got to be honest, I always thought it was just that glass pyramid in the ground and I did not realize how big it actually is (the glass pyramid is just one of the entrances, there are many).

This proves that I was pretty much in the DaVinci Code

We purchased our tickets and got inside and got pretty lost trying to find the main reasons most people go to the Lourve (the Venus de Milo and the Mona Lisa). Eventually we found them and got our obligatory selfies. The Lourve is just MASSIVE, to put it in perspective if you looked at every piece in the museum for 30 seconds, and came from open to close everyday it would take you 2 months to see everything thats on display (not including all the work in storage that they rotate in and out).

A selfie with the Mona Lisa? Look how edgy and original I am

After the Lourve we decided to walk from there to the Eiffel Tower (really nice walk along the Seine, takes about an hour). From there we met up with the gang and did a cycle tour around Paris. This was probably my favorite thing so far on the trip (even cycling through major intersections with the crazy Paris traffic and no helmets).

Pretty much what the cabaret was like

After the cycle tour we made our way back to the hotel and then a bunch of us went out for dinner. From there we went to a french cabaret - there were a lot of shirtless men and women (yes - boobies). No pictures from that one unfortunately :( Then we headed back to the hotel and I crashed hard.

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